DEIK and FICCI unite Turkish and Indian business representatives in Istanbul.

Turkish and Indian business representatives gathered in Istanbul for the “Turkey-India Business and Investment Opportunities Meeting and Bilateral Business Meetings,” which was hosted by the DEİK/Turkey-India Business Council and organized in cooperation with the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). The event was attended by DEİK/Turkey-India Business Council President Hülya Gedik, FICCI Business Delegation Leader and Kirloskar Technologies Private Limited CEO Dr. Navil Prasad Edathil, Ministry of Commerce Çağatay Özden, Consul General of India in Istanbul Mijito Vinito, Project Manager at the Foreign Offices Unit of the Investment Office of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Ayşe Çeri, and CEO of Dabur Organization, Hobi Cosmetics Rajat Taneja, along with other Indian and Turkish businesspeople.


DEİK aims to organize more delegation visits

In her speech, Hülya Gedik expressed her gratitude to the FICCI delegation and Mijito Vinito for their efforts in strengthening the ties between the two countries. She emphasized that Turkey and India have great potential for deepening their partnership in various sectors, including trade, investment, defense, and security. Gedik also mentioned that the Turkish private sector is becoming more active in India, and that the DEİK/Turkey-India Business Council aims to organize more delegation visits to different regions and cities of India to increase trade volume and diversify trade relations.

Dr. Navil Prasad Edathil, Business Delegation Leader of FICCI and CEO of Kirloskar Technologies Private Limited, stated that India wants to see Turkey as one of its best partners when it moves from the 5th largest economy to the 4th or 3rd largest economy. He also highlighted the various sectors that India has identified for investment, including agriculture, IT, transportation, food, and defense. Çağatay Özden, Head of the Asia and Pacific Department of the Ministry of Trade, added that Turkey’s exports to India increased by 25.5% in 2022, while imports increased by 34.8%, and that there are 10 potential sectors between Turkey and India for cooperation.

The event was sponsored by Gedik Kaynak and Istanbul Gedik University.

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